Friday, December 5, 2014

In My Cards

I'm meant to be a monster
I'm meant to be a lunatic
I'm meant to be different
I'm meant to be sick
I'm meant to be strange
I'm meant to be a basket case
I'm meant to be scarred up
I'm meant to have an ugly face
I'm meant to do crazy shit
And put myself in danger
I'm meant to feel all of this pain
I'm meant to feel this anger

It's in my cards to feel this way
That's why I never watch what I say
I do what I want when I want to do it
If you don't like it, screw it
Do what thou wilt is the law that I follow
Sometimes my attitude is hard to swallow

I'm meant to be evil
Fuck society
I'm meant to follow my own rules
I'm meant to be me
I'm meant to question authority
Why shouldn't I be happy
But I'm still stuck in this world
Still feeling crappy
I'm meant to enjoy this life
But life is stopping me
I still follow my own path
This life was meant for me

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