She makes my day worthwhile
The only one that makes me smile
I would be lost without her
She gives me motivation
My only happy sensation
Without her I'd always hurt
My sunshine in the darkness
Drying up the rain
Spending just one day with her
Eases all my pain
Laughing at ourselves
Our witty remarks
When I look into her eyes
I see a million sparks
I love our little family
Our dog and our cat
When I think about my home
I know that's where I'm at
We're gonna live a hundred years
Wiping away each other's tears
A match made for this world
There is nobody else
Because this love I've felt
More than any other girl
I could write forever
That's how happy I am
I love the time we spend together
That is where I stand
Her eyes and her smile
Could never be matched
For once in my life
I'm completely attached
Nothing can stand in our way
We're together forever
Jealous people make up stories
Those people we must sever
Everything is perfect
Now my life is worth it
Even when we have our ups and downs
Life is now worth living
My effort is worth giving
As long as she decides to stick around
I love you!