I don't plan on living forever. I figured I would get that statement out of anthe way before I even get into anything else.
I see all of these people taking all of these precautions tryiing to live as long as they can, and to me it is pointless. We all die
sometime, so why not enjoy the time we have here. I have experienced many things in my life. Some good, some bad, but they are all a
part of my experience in a fucked up world. A world that can work for or against you at any moment it feels like being an asshole.
I know a lot of people don't believe in the paranormal or the supernatural but I have experienced enough of it, through this life and
many others, to know that there are things that exist that science has yet to explain. I will touch on many of these things later on, as well
as many other life lessons I have learned in my current incarnation. My purpose in writing this is to encourage people to loosen up and live a
I already know that one of the first things people who know me will point to is my drug and alcohol use (I'm fucked up while writing this so, Ha!)
Notice I said use and not abuse because there is a difference. You can have fun with illicit substances, as I often do, without taking it too far.
When you start to physically and/ or mentally NEED something to get by, you have crossed the line. I enjoy many things, but I have never gotten
to the point where I need a substance in order to function. I've been fucked up more times than I can count, but when it's gone, it's gone. I don't
find myself selling my possesions or whoring myself out to get more. It was a fun experience, but all good things mus come to an end. I can not fathom
some of the things I have seen people do for drugs.
This is probably a good place to end this one, and not to sound like a nagging parent, but, If you are going to have fun, please be responsible and
do it within your means. If you took the time to read this, by all means have fun. Just keep it to where it doesn't become a problem.
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