Being that I take pride in being a paranormal investigator, what better way to kick off this part of the blog than by compiling a list of haunted places I have visited and relaying some stories of my personal experiences!
10. Fudge Road
Fudge Road is a country road in the middle of nowhere in West Alexandria, Ohio. I'm not going to give directions to get there due to the fact that I have heard recent stories of a resident on the road doing things that could potentially harm people or damage cars, such as throwing piles of nails in the middle of the road at night.
This area has it's share of stories that run the entire gamut of paranormal activity. There are tales of a midget house (which I never found), ghosts, a Bigfoot-like creature, and the ever popular story of a crybaby bridge, where a mother supposedly drowned her baby, then hung herself.
Personally, I never had one paranormal experience in this area, which is why I'm getting it out of the way first, but I have seen some crazy things on this road. There was always creepy graffiti spray painted on several barns and buildings, usually alluding to the many stories about the area. One night I found a doll hanging from a noose on the side of the bridge, with a note containing someone's name and the words "You're Next!"
There was one run down house on the road that was completely surrounded by a tall barbed wire fence. Sometimes there were dogs guarding the house, sometimes there were pigs. I was told it was the site of a drug bust, and there was a shootout with police resulting in someone dying.
The craziest and most scary thing that happened was because of how unexpected it was. I rolled down the car window one night to take pictures, and out of nowhere, a stray cat jumped in the car, laid down on my lap and stared at me.
This area was fun when I was younger, but I've moved on to bigger and better things, so I probably wouldn't go back again.
9. Buffalo Ridge
Buffalo Ridge is a road near Cincinnati, Ohio with several stories surrounding it.Tales of a phantom car chasing people out of the area and the remains of a creepy crematorium, said to be haunted are the two that I can remember off the top of my head.
I never spent as much time in this area as I did the previous entry, but I have visited a few times in my younger years when boredom got the best of me.
Once again, I never personally experienced anything paranormal here, but the area itself is still very creepy. The supposed crematorium is actually an old observatory, and pretty much just a pile of rocks that vaguely resemble a former building. I would also imagine that the phantom car chasing people out of the area is likely a park ranger, as I learned that the haunted area is actually a part of some kind of park.
8. Lick Road
Another haunted road near Cincinnati, Ohio, although I hear it is haunted more by drug dealers and criminals these days, who actually use the story surrounding the place to their advantage. I would advise anyone not to go here anymore for safety reasons.
The story is, a girl named Amy was murdered by her boyfriend and dumped in the creek that runs just to the left of the gate in the picture. It is said that if you park near the gate at night, your windows will fog up and the words "Help Me!" will appear in the condensation on your windshield.
I tried this several times when I was younger, to no avail. Sometimes there were strange sounds coming from the surrounding woods, but who knows who could have been out there.
7. Riley, Ohio Cemeteries
There are two haunted cemeteries in Riley, Ohio that I have visited, so I'm going to lump them together into one entry. Please keep in mind that most cemeteries close at dark and you can get in trouble for trespassing if you are caught.
One cemetery is right by Indian Creek state park, and that is the one that I find the creepiest of the two. At one time, there was actually a metal box of some sort sticking out of the ground with a hole rusted in it. I am not sure if this was an old casket or something else because I decided not to peek into the hole to check.
The craziest thing that happened in this cemetery involved a strange tombstone that seemed to disappear. I actually saw a headstone that said Asmodeus on it. As if that wasn't creepy enough, I ran to get a friend that was with me that night to see it, and when we got back it wasn't there. I searched the entire graveyard that night, and on several other occasions, and never again saw that headstone.
The other cemetery had an angel statue in it that was missing both hands, both wings, and the face had eroded to smooth, blank stone. There was a story that this statue had red glowing eyes at night, but I never once saw this. However, the statue itself had a very strange vibe whenever I would go near it.
6. Spring Grove Cemetery
Spring Grove is the most amazing cemetery I have ever visited. It is so big it is very easy to get lost in, and is so gorgeous that it is just as easy to get lost in its beauty! It is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and is impossible to miss when you drive by.
It is full of breathtaking mausoleums, amazing architecture, and is the final resting place for several important people from the Cincinnati area.
My favorite part, is of course, one of the most bizarre grave sites I have ever seen. The grave is watched over by a bronze bust of the man buried there, and rumor has it, the bust contains the man's real eyes! Whether true or not, they definitely look real, and seem to follow you. No matter where you stand near this grave, the eyes always appear to be staring directly at you.
5. A Private Residence In Fostoria, Ohio
I can not reveal the address due to privacy reasons, but of all the private investigations I have done, there is one that sticks in my mind more than any other. Not much even happened that night, but the one thing that did is one of the most powerful pieces of evidence I have ever witnessed. To myself, there is no way this could have possibly been a coincidence. It was just too significant.
The residents called us because they had the usual odd occurrences and bumps in the night that most people report, plus, they said something just felt "off."
We investigated all night with nothing really happening, except a bat whizzing by my head in the basement. I was running an app on my tablet that is supposed to detect changes in energy and allow spirits to form words. It was silent all night. Before we wrapped up, myself and a friend decided to check out an upstairs bedroom one last time. We were sitting in the room completely silent waiting for any sign of activity, when the app suddenly said "Martin." I immediately found it interesting because the friend that was with me has a son named Martin. There was so much more to that name than I realized at the time.
We started packing up our gear, and I casually mentioned that the app I was using said Martin. The client immediately broke into tears and almost passed out. He told me that Martin was his brother who was murdered and tossed out of a car a few years earlier. I think he wanted to let his brother know that he was still around.
4. The Fostoria Historical Museum
One of the main hauntings in the building is the ghost of a soldier, who is possibly attached to one of the many war relics housed inside. For some reason, he doesn't seem to like women, and will focus a lot of attention on tormenting any females who venture inside.
The ghost of a little girl is said to haunt one of the upstairs bedrooms, and a teacher may still be teaching lessons in the room with the old school equipment.
We had a very frightening experience in the museum one Halloween, and what better time to have something creepy happen. There was a public investigation I was helping with, and everyone was having a great time. At several times, people would check their phones to see what time it was, and it actually got to about 3 A.M. at one point. One of the guys running the event came running downstairs at one point and said he saw his girlfriend's face change. He said it looked like the soldier's ghost and we needed to get the people out because it was about to get bad.
We told everybody they had to leave and started packing up equipment. When we got outside I checked my phone for the time, figuring it had to be at least 4 A.M. because when we checked a while ago it was 3. I thought my phone had messed up because it said midnight. Someone else checked their phone too. Midnight. Several people had checked their phones earlier in the night and they had all said 3 A.M.
All of that time when the crazy stuff started happening had apparently never happened, according to time. To this day, none of us can figure out what was going on that night.
3. Sedamsville Rectory
Sedamsville Rectory is located in Cincinnati, Ohio. It has appeared on a popular Ghost Hunting show, and myself and some friends had the privilege to investigate a few weeks after that filming wrapped up.
We had a close encounter while it was still daylight out... with a possum. He was munching on some cat food that was left out for the cats. We also got a guided tour of the building before it got dark. We had our audio recorders running during the tour, and when we listened to the recording there was a woman's voice very close to the beginning that whispered "she's fat!" This was already off to a wonderful start!
At one point, myself and a friend were into the basement trying to see what we could catch down there. We had an E.M. Pump running, which is a device that emits electromagnetic energy in hopes of giving energy to any spirit, making it easier for them to communicate. Not much was happening, so my friend asked anything down there to kill the device. The device immediately turned off. When we went upstairs I thought the batteries had died, but I flipped the switch and it came back on and was perfectly fine. Something had flipped the switch.
My wife and myself investigated an upstairs bedroom at one point.The first thing we noticed was that a bed, that had been perfectly made during our tour, was now completely messed up. My wife asked who messed the bed up, and we heard a very audible growl. When we reviewed the audio later, I enhanced the area with the growl and we heard a very deep voice say "I did!"
At one point in the late night/ early morning, we decided to take a nap so we had some rest before the long drive home. About an hour or so after everyone had laid down there was a huge crash that woke everyone up. We searched the entire building and never did figure out where it came from or what caused it.
2. Poasttown School
I've investigated Poasttown several times. The staff are extremely friendly and helpful and I always have a great time. You can reserve a night for your group or attend one of the public investigations that they have quite often.
There are several times that I have seen the shadow of a figure walking by in different places when no living person was in the area. I have also had motion activated cameras go off and take pictures and video when no one was there to trigger them.
It's been a while since my last visit so I can't really remember specifics on this one, but I know myself and several others have caught E.V.P.'s throughout the building.
The craziest thing I remember happening was in the basement. Myself and a friend were investigating and my friend heard someone yell his name. He swore it sounded like another friend that was there with us, so he got on the walkie talkie to ask his location. That friend was two stories above us and had not said anything. Not long after this, my friend was struck with an incredible fear, like I have never seen him experience before. He said he just felt like he needed to run out of the area as fast as possible. I asked him if he wanted to leave, and he said no. He eventually calmed down and we continued the investigation.
1. The Farm
The Farm, in Arcadia, Ohio, is the absolute pinnacle of my paranormal adventures. Myself and several others have experienced so many things at this location that it would take an entire book to list them all. Ghosts, witches, possession, strange creatures, angels, and demons are just the tip of the iceberg here. I'll list some of the real standout experiences to try to give you some kind of idea what we all have been through.
This started as a regular run of the mill investigation with the occasional weird noises and strange occurrences, and spiraled into something much more sinister. The first thing we were told of, was the spirit of a preacher that was often seen around the property. He was helpful and made himself known in several different ways, without ever being menacing. But something on the land was extremely menacing. Her name was Mary.
Mary was the spirit of a witch and she claimed the property was hers. The more time we spent at the farm, the worse Mary became. She actually possessed someone one night. My friend began speaking in a voice that was not hers, and tried to physically attack someone. It took a few of us to hold her down and say some prayers and other things to bring my friend back. She remembered nothing of what had happened.
Several of us began receiving messages from angels, who were trying to help us solve the situation with Mary by telling us what we needed to do. Mary retaliated by enlisting demons to help her. This is around the time we started seeing the strange creatures out in the fields. Most of the time they looked like large dog-like things. They were much bigger than coyotes. One night I actually thought about going and grabbing one of the guns, but I really don't know how much good it would have done.
There have also been several spirits that hang out in the barn. Some of them had been friendly but appear to have moved on. Some of them were downright malicious and mean. We were doing E.V.P. recordings one night, and when we went back over the audio, something clearly called one of the people there a wuss. The one currently in the barn doesn't like people being in the area of the work bench, but he hasn't done or said anything too bad, yet.
We often get drifters out there who only stay for a short time. We usually get to hear their fascinating stories, in one form or another, and then do our best to help them get wherever they are trying to go. This happens because we have had several different portals open up at different times. We try to close them, but another one usually pops up in a different area.
There are several more experiences that I would be happy to talk about if there is an interest, but I'm going to end the entry here so I don't drag it on for a hundred pages. I still spend a lot of time at the farm, and things have calmed down quite a bit since those early days, but there are still a few lurkers that show up every once in a while.
There you have it. Ten haunted places I have visited. If this article generates enough interest, I will do more in the future. Feel free to share this with your friends and family if you enjoy it!
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